Personal Development


                                   Services – PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT

  • personal development
  • balance
  • undiscovered talents, visions, dreams
  • self-management
  • problems, crisis, conflicts
  • past life traumas
  • disturbing behavioural and thinking patterns
  • systemic family work
  • creativity and movement
  • various types of special needs and management

Main work methods: psychological councelling, therapeutic treatment, consultation, self-developmental programs – designed according to specific needs.

Ehrenbusch Consulting services are suitable for people, who are motivated to work with themselves, and who are not afraid of changes.

People who value personal development, find the bodywork prorgams, based on Rudolf Laban teachings, benefitial. The main focus of these programs is the integrated approach to body, knowledge and rational thinking, and psychological processes. The program is suitable for people, who wish to learn to know themselves wider and better, who want to change unfunctional thinking patterns or behaviour, who need to be alive and satisfied with their life