


  • Development, Vision, Mission, Values
  • Efficiency
  • Change Management
  • Work Satisfaction, incl. motivating work culture
  • Team Development in connection to Company Values 
  • Coaching Ledership
  • Covision programs
  • Mentoring Programs
  • Supervision for the Leader

Organisational culture is also like an iceberg. 9/10th of this phenomena is “hidden”, out of conscious awareness and reasonable action.                            

Ehrenbusch Consulting is supporting the development and enhancing the work hygiena of teams and organisations. Twenty years of leadership experience, educational competencies, and personal passion towards the theme have formed the sufficient tools for the organisatonal development theme.

Efficicent development is defined by motivating work culture, inspiring leadership, creative thinking and integrated visions.

Ehrenbusch Consulting offers diagnostics and analyses of the organisation, educational courses on critical or interested topics, consultation, coaching and supervision.